Really. I may need a 12-step program. (Tammy - still on auto, or outdoor. I am still, at this point, doing nothing but point, focus, shoot.)
Bug Catchers - later in the day they turned into garden-eaters. We need a fence.

Hawk - click on this, and look closely at her left foot. She's doing this with one leg really out of commission, and there's 3 babies in that nest. No clue how she's getting it done. I am in awe of the determination of instinct.

Not a honeybee, but a bumble, says Girl.

Bee Balm, because it's there.

Mr. Wonderful's new best friend (NOT!).

I promise that's it. Next time there will be knitting. Promise. Really really promise...I am so excited and cannot stop shooting things. I love the Nikon D40, the entry-level DSLR of my dreams.
I love your photos! Keep shooting. Knitting photos are good too but I really love your garden and wildlife pics.
That snake should be Mr. Wonderful's best friend. It's harmless, and eats rodents. I like having snakes like that in my garden. Rattlers, not so much.
Awww!!!! That's so sad that the momma hawk is hurt! I hope she gets better. I'm glad she's still able to do all the hawk-y things though.
DUDE! A garter snake!! I've wanted a garter snake for years. I haven't had one since 2002.
I'm so happy you are thrilled with your camera........ that is awesome.
And you tell Mr. Wonderful that I am a snake hater from way back. My mother gave me this gift of snake hatery and I believe that the only good snake is a best friend. When I lived in Orlando and came home one night there was a baby rattler in my bedroom. I am not kidding you. I left the room and came (quietly) in just in case I dreamed it up. I did not. I quickly got a garden hoe and chopped that sob into freakin' slaw! YEEEEEEEEEEEECH!
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