Two black lambs:

Calvin, whom I love:

On a post-Harlot day, I don't remember which, I was at Webs and staving so I committed veggie larceny and stole The Harlot's leftovers.
We put out a lot of the garden, and planted asparagus. The crowns are already producing the teeniest spears that we cannot touch, but they give me hope for next year. Last House had an established bed, beautiful thing. Also fruit trees. And berries. Moving here and starting over has been arduous and often depressing. This place is all delightfully overgrown with flowers; lovely, but my idea of "garden" involves FOOD. If it cannot be eaten, it can leave. I overheard a woman at Agway refer to leaving her old garden as a divorce. I totally can relate. It's taken me three years to feel inspired enough to plant again.
I started and finished a Tomten and a pair of socks.

I am EZ Obsessed. I bought the Knitting Around DVD's; my contribution to stimulating the economy. Also some yarn and needles and such, which have not arrived yet. I've watched EZ will I've memorized it, I swear. I could watch forever.
The NH Sheep and Wool was last weekend. I signed book at the Foxfire Fiber booth, which was a total blast. I hope to repeat the experience at the Mass Sheep and Wool in two weeks. Come by and say hi! In NH I got to meet new people, and say "Hi" to some old people. I wish I had more pictures. I can't seem to manage "Sit at table, knit, sign books and take pictures while carrying on coherent conversations with visitors". Jules got some pictures, and I'll post them when she passes them on. Guido stopped by - I'd love to do his podcast because it might mean a trip to Boston - YAY!! Katy invited me to stay with she and Traci at her cousin's house. There was wine, and creamy tequila (seriously.) and good company. The Cousins have Berners. Two of them, Gryffon and Kismet. Not BARC babies, but I always link to BARC since Owen has brought so much joy to my life and he's a BARC baby - I think anyone who wants a Berner should consider BARC. I adored them, although upon my arrival I was treated a bit coldly by my own, who sniffed me from end to end and looked very wounded for a while. I was relieved to know that I am not the only person on earth who has a Puppy Album. Kioshi and Kintaro have them in hard copy, although Owen does not. He's more a digital dog. I saw more sheep, I have a thing for black lambs.

I met, finally, Leslie Wind, and I hope to very soon blog about her amazing wearable art cable needles which I adore. I traded her a shawl pin for a book, which I must remember to bring to Cummington, AND Girl got me one for Mother's Day, so I am happy as a clam. I love the cable needles, and love the shawl pins. They're just lovely lovely lovely. I may have to have another on from Cummington.
Well, that's it for now - horrible, right? But since it's been, oh, weeks, it's better n' nothing!! More soon, promise. Real life is getting in the way right now, with nothing good and much that's stressful, and once that cloud clears I can get back to the business of being amusing and somewhat entertaining. Promise.
I totally relate to the garden and food mentality. I am planting for my first time and it is all herbs and veggies - plus the two flowers that my kids got me for Mother's Day. And that is in a 2 x 6 ft sidewalk plot.
That alpaca's cut is hysterical! The poor thing, at least it won't catch a head cold, but what about the rest of him? He needs a sweater!
That post pretty much made up for the lengthy absence.
If you need more blog fodder, I've tagged you for a meme. See my blog for details if you want to play.
Loved having you share our booth at NH S&W, Melissa. Will be fun to have you back at the MA S&W, which is just a little more than a week away (gulp). Will post some pics of your booksigning at my blog.
On 5/22 my youngest was in a spelling bee. He got bellwether as a word and asked for a definition. The definition immediately brought to mind your story.
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