First and foremost I met Cat Bordhi and neither slobbered nor wet my pants. I was very proud of myself. I found her to be a really, truly, genuinely lovely person, a brilliant intellect, a giving teacher and just an all around wonderful woman. When I grow up, I wanna be Cat Bordhi. This is one of those people who's brain I covet.

Although she wasn't teaching Moebius this weekend, she brought some along to show and tell. Sunday's class focused on creativity and was, at times, a bit mentally intense. So breaks were taken in which she amused us by, for example, knitting behind her back

She did this both days. I need to add this skill to my ever-growing box of knitter's parlor tricks. Impressive. She's a huge fan of
Judy's Magic Cast-on created by the brilliant
Judy Becker (now there's a woman who should write a book). Cat does things with it that astound me. It's gone in all new directions for me now, that cast-on has. It is possibly the best cast on ever for SO many things; almost EVERYthing. It's a skill every knitter should have in their arsenal.

On Saturday morning the Ready, Set, Knit podcast was taped live in the parking lot just before the official beginning of the tent sale. This does not mean that people were not arriving and shopping. It was
someone's birthday, so her employees took advantage of the moment and celebrated with a cake and singing.

I have actually never been to the tent sale on a Saturday. Saturday is the Fleece Market, where local growers bring their wares and display and sell them. Barb Parry from
Foxfier Fiber and Diane Roeder from
Sojourner Sheep where both there, among others. The tents were set up outside of the warehouse, and good shopping was had by all. I personally scored three bags of Cascade 220 mis-spun to a dk weight in a nice dark charcoal color. Yum.

Lots of shopping happened. In fact, there were 5 registers...or six? set up. Two outside, four inside I think. I snapped this during a quiet moment. There were moments during the day when i was reminded of a very recent event held at Webs in which 1,000 knitters packed into the store.

Mary Alice sat and spun with a friend who's name I rudely failed to ask - but I was cheating at this point and really should have been back in class with Cat, so it was a brief hello, click, and I was gone again. I wonder why we didn't spin at Rhinebeck. I am pretty sure there was a plan to do so...

Sharlene made a new friend, Diane's new rescue Border Collie. Adorable dogs, if insane unless employed. Luckily Diane has the perfect job for a Border Collie - she has sheep. Work woolies, work woolies, work woolies...and get some lovin' from the locals.

Now, if you're at
Cummington this weekend, be sure to stop by the Foxfire Fiber booth between 11am and 1pm and say hello! I so love this time of year. I love festivals. I may have to buy a batt this time. . . . or maybe a whole fleece . . .
I always imagined Cat would be really cool to meet in person!
Judy's cast on?? I'm off to see if I can find it and learn it!
I'm moving into your house. Just thought I should let you know. You have much more fiber fun than I ever do!
I agree with PurlingPirate, I do not know of this cast on and it is the thing to go check out!
I would LOVE to meet Cat Bordhi, she is amazing in email I can only imagine taking a class from her.
And, re:knitting behind your back. You're kidding, right????? I can knit behind my back with my toes.
You might be interested in this article! I remember reading one of your posts about trying to avoid gluten.
dfuller55 at verizon dot net
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