I am knitting socks. I am knitting a sweater that hates me, and another that would love me if I could give it time. If I tried to photograph them, the images would reflect the bad humor I feel toward them today.
We had a graduation pig roast for Girl and it was alot of fun. Oh, I know, I will post a picture of the pig (vegetarians and those sensitive to the sight of non-living animals, turn your head now):

Wilbur is being flipped halfway through the roasting process to ensure even cooking. I did not realize how much is involved in this whole pig roast gig. My father arrived at 6am to light the fire, and then spent the entire day here roasting, basting, checking and flipping the pig. Unfortunately, of the images I took, only Mr W and Grampa can be shown as all others, inculding Girl, refused to allow blogging

I never had a graduation party myself. This could be due to the fact that I dropped out of high school. Oh, wait! I did have a graduation party. When I graduated from college my mother had a party for me. I remember it now - there was that chocolate cake as I recall, and people, and the kids were all little and cute. That was many moons ago. Speaking of college...Girl is going to college. I thought this was all fine with me, all cool and everything. Wasn't that the point? Rearing adults, not babies. Maybe it's not so much. She is after all The Baby. (Sorry Girl, but it's true). And Mr Wonderful realized this before I did - I am slow and dense and need more time to process, but it just dawned on me that we're nearly done. I mean, yes, we're still parenting, but the tone is changing, our roles are shifting. It's a short skip from here to Girl reminding me to put my teeth in while fixing my buttons. I need a small, helpless infant animal to tend.
Wow, that's really freaking cheery!! Onto happier things. I have chosen a color for the office - it is called Oriole and is basically orange, but with some blue undertone so it's not as assaulting on the eyes of my family. And I am ordering this very cool

Love the clock. I'm glad Girl had a great party.
Oh, and by the way, I JUST got my WEBS catalog yesterday. How lame is that?
The college years were (and continue to be) very good for my parents and I. My parents are also on the young side (mid-40s) and they and you will be toothed for a VERY LONG time.
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