This catalog represents a whole lot of effort on the part of a whole lot of folks, and it is a beautiful thing! The yarns and yarn information are clearly presented. The photos are beautiful, Cirilia is just incredible. She about jumps off the page and pulls you in, I swear. This cover sweater is designed by Kirsten Hipsky, and is a top down gansey/guernsey knit in an amazing NEW Vally Yarns product, Amherst. Amherst is a 100% merino wool worsted yarn in a good solid range of colors.
Blowing my own horn (because it is irresistable, but I am limiting it to two pages...

Here's Make Tracks with it's own page!!!! It's OWN PAGE!! a PAGE just for Make Tracks. And does not Cirilia do it justice? And does she not look lovely in spite of the fact that these pictures were taken on a day when the humidity was unreal and the heat worse? That lovely haze? It's the region dying from the heat. And there is Cirilia smiling, wrapped in wool. I would have just passed out.
And here is sweet baby Flutter, featured with Kirsten Hipsky's One Skein Diotima

Shell, Linda Burt's A-Line Coat, an Ann Norling kid's cardigan knit by Karen Minott, and - last but by no means least, Mrs. Trombley's Crochet Blanket designed by none other than Kathy Elkins.
The whole catalog has me all a-flutter. It's extremely well done, the images are clear, the yarn info is fantastic (I hate scanty yarn info!). Each featured pattern also shows a chart indicating how much yarn is required for the size you wish to make, and recommended needle sizes. It's just...wonderful!

And here is my Silk Rhapsody shawl, simple faggotting, purse stitch from page 184-

And there is this .

Next post? A pig with an apple in it's mouth, and a lot of people with beers in their hands. IF I remember to bring the camera out...
BLUSH! I felt really bad schvitzing (Yiddish for sweating) in those lovely garments. It did give me a good rosy cheeked glow, though!
It is sooOOOoo much fun to model such cool stuff. For serious. I agree, the catalog is awesome I actually found myself saying "I'm wanna knit that..." and I can bet that customers will be saying the same.
The designs are great, and the MODEL does them something slightly beyond justice...you need to reproduce. It would be unfair to the gene pool to withold such material.
"plus sized model" my blessed butt.
I wanna knit Clara. Flutter. Karen's Evening Tank. Karen's socks...lemme see....
Once again, totally un-knitting related (altho the catalog looks mahvelous, and I'm the one who copy-edited it four freakin' times) post to say that Ben's Little League team won their second play-off game today in the rain, which means they play an unscheduled game tomorrow early afternoon. Which makes me crazy as this means I'll get me and them to the party late-ish. Save me pig.
The pig is here, where AAARRREEE YOOOUUU!?!?!?!?! I need to send you a pic or two - none of our beloved coillegues want to be blogged (wimps!). You missed a cool party, dude...
The catalog looks great. I haven't received mine yet, but maybe it's in the mail. I think Flutter deserves its own page, too.
How'd the party go? Bummer that I couldn't make it, but we had a good time in Bar Harbor.
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