Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Next stop: Laura Nelkin HACKED

Hi there!

Some of you may have seen Melissa and me joking on Facebook and in our blogs about how I am her favorite stalker. So talented a stalker am I, and so mad are my Internet skilz, that I have managed to hack into her Blogger account.*

Simply so that I can show you these:

blog 1

blog 2

Why, yes, that is MMO's foot. Is there something odd about the fact that I took a photo of it?

But I digress.

MMO has some pressing personal issues to deal with today and so, like the first-runner up in the Miss America pageant, I am stepping up to the plate to introduce today's blog tour stop: Laura Nelkin, of Nelkin Designs. Her blog entry can be found here.

The blog tour continues:

June 30: Getting Stitched On The Farm, with the brilliant and undeniably gifted Kristin Nicholas
July 1: Go Knit In Your Hat (MMO's favorite stalker ME)
July 2: Sunset Cat, with Stefanni, who is not only a talented technical editor but also has the loveliest Tonkinese cats

On a more serious note, I am sure MMO would appreciate any thoughts or prayers you might have for her today.

--- Your Guest Poster/Blog Minder, Carol Sulcoski

*No, not really. Melissa invited me to pinch-hit for her today since she has some personal issues which will tie her up for the day.


Laura Nelkin said...

Oh Miss MMO sending you my thoughts and hugs!!

Shannon said...

I wish Carol would stalk me more.

I am also sending Melissa many, many hugs!

Cathy said...

Made me smile! Thoughts and prayers for you Melissa.