OK, I have to admit to this. Since the Knitty issue went live and all of you lovely Knitty readers started linking here from the Sweetpea page, I have been obsessed - truly obsessed with sitemeter. Not because of the numbers at all. I mean, the numbers are nice and everything. It's the world map view, where I can sit and load the last 100 visitors to this blog and see where you're from as dots on this little world map. Australia. Canada. Alaska. Japan, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Britain, South Africa. Wales! I am a Morgan. I take it seriously. Someday I am coming for a long visit.
It is a wonderful testament to the universality of knitters and knitting. Someday I'd like to come and visit all of you. We can sit at a cafe, or in a park, or a knitting shop and have a cup of coffee - or tea. Or real sushi. The knitting community has created a truly small world of knit-minded people, and I love that. If you'd like to post a comment just saying where you're from, you would possibly push me to thralls of excitement never before known. Even better, if you're currently experiencing a cool meteorological or natural phenomenon as I also have an obsession with weather.
I am going now to get my haircut, but I will be thinking about you all on my way. Where you're from, what you're knitting, and how awesome it is that a worldwide community can be created simply by this amazing medium of technology!
Followed your link from knitty. Just dropping by to say hi from Lake City, Florida. Love the Sweetpea socks!
Um, I'm in western MA and I'm knitting mermaids - I'll show you tomorrow night :)
Yeah! You're Global!!
Thanks for visiting my blog- I started your pattern last night and I'll send you a pic when I have a sock complete. Of course, I'm two weeks away from having a baby, so if I don't get the knitting done quickly all bets are off for about a month!
Okay, I'm not a far away knitter, but I definitely understand the sitemeter thing.
And isn't it great that we have a whole world of knitting ideas out there to gather information from?
What did lonely knitters do before blogs? :)
Does "72 degrees, perfectly sunny, all the time" count as a weather phenomenon? I live in San Diego, so that's all we ever get. I mean it. Ever.
celena - Ahhh, Florida - my winter home away from home for a week or more.
allison - you may find more knitting time during the first eight weeks than the following ones. For a long while all they do is eat, sleep, and get their diapers changed!
mary - I assume we all were in silence...unconnected...adrift!
yarnhog - hmmmm...new home town possibility....
Hello from the currently very cloudy area north of Boston.
Good luck with the haircut.
Hi Melissa,just wanted to say hello. I hail from the UK, Southampton to be precise - on the south coast. Got here via the Sweetpea pattern and as "his Lordship" calls me Sweetpea my next pair of socks will have to be your pattern. I love it, and thank you for designing it [for me ;-) ] Kind regards Martine
Yay for Minnesota! The lands o' Lakes, Deer, and Beer. Your socks are awesome, congrats on your book! I'm excited to see it. :D
Hello from Minnesota! (I love the world map on my sitemeter too!)
The photos of your sock on Knitty are incredible! I really appreciate the up-close shots--makes me want to cast on right now.
I'm from Virginia and have just printed out the Sweet Pea pattern. Love the pattern! Looking forward to seeing your book when it comes out.
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