Score 1:Mountain Colors Weaver's Wool, monstrous skein, 16 ounces, very red and don't remember the colorway. I have no idea what it will be. For now it just is enough to look at it, and occasionally wear it and feel warm.
Score 2: Della Q bag, adorable little thing, perfect for evenings out. I also like her Que circular storage case, but it does not have a US 10.5 slot, and I really think I'd love it much more if it had a magnetic clasp rather than the tie - but I really love it, and nearly bought one. Lucky for Mr Wonderful it was late in the day and I knew I was already over budget.
Not Score but Discovery 3: Norwegian Spirit. I love their designs. I have not seen the patterns, but the kids designs are adorable! I'd love to lay hands on their books.
Score 4: Blue Heron Rayon Metallic, color Spanish Dancer. I wanted this last year but ran short of cash. This year I just handed over my Visa. It literally - no kidding - fell into my basket. How could I leave it there after that??
Score 5: Knitwhits adorable little sock kit with the most adorable alphabet block socks ever. I just had to have the pattern!!
Score 6: Seacoast Handpainted Yarns, a little Panda Sock (Fresh greens in color) for design work and a little Superwash Sock (The Good Earth) for ME.
Score 7: a basket and a pair of scissors from I know not who. I love the basket, I have coveted them for a long time, and %5.00 for a sweet little pair of snips seemed pretty reasonable to me!
Most importantly - because I can never have enough - Score 8: 4 (MORE) skeins of Schaefer Anne, all hand selected for my personal use and wearing.
Schaefer Anne is one of my favorite yarns, I am wearing it now, and I adore it. I also loved that my Tilting at Windmills was right there, on a sock blocker for all to see. Very cool. Sorry Sibling, your Christmas gift is now reclining at a trade show. Maybe this year?! And, ummm, Other Sibling - well - I am wearing your Christmas gift - after all, how fair would that have been ? Socks for you, but not for her?? And besides, they may be famous some day soon, who knows!?
This is editing week, so I expect to be buried within the words I wrote this winter, but no longer remember. I did not even remember the names of the socks. Pretty bad!
Ikkinlala - if you're out there - email me (melissaknits@yahoo.com) and let me know how you may be found, that I may send you a skein of yarn, a hand dyed skein of sock yarn, all for you...
Oh it's all so beautiful...and I am jealous. Though I did score some Yarn Pirate on the Loopy Ewe this week. It arrived yesterday and I can't stop staring at it!
I had a wonderful day too! Great company, all that beautiful yarn to touch, and goodies in my bag to bring home. The only things that would have made it better is if I wasn't hungover and if I brought a bigger shopping bag.
you went to church with a hangover?
isn't there a rule about that?
Mary - you could be me tomorrow! Take a day off, sneak to NENA...of course you might run into your employers, but you'd be ME, and since I am not a 'real' employee you'd be off scot free!
I can't leave Linda alone...that would just be mean!!
Thanks anyway :)
You guys crack me up! Everyone we saw on Monday commented on how "nice", "great", "wonderful", "smart" our team was . . . most hoping your influence would score them a sale :)
I can't get Patriot's Day for a company holiday, so I doubt I'd have much luck making the Monday of NENA one.
Maybe next year, everyone can call in sick, Steve will HAVE to stay behind and we can all meet up for a HUGE girls day out!!! Trust me - the vendors love me and would NEVER tell :)
Ahhhh...the power of Being Webs! Gotta love it.
Make sure ALL vendors know how easily we can be influenced next year. A little free yarn and we'd do our best to convince you to buy about anything!
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