Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Days of Birth and Waffles

Waffles first. This is the back, or a bit of the back, unblocked, of the Men's Waffle (needsnewname)Zip Front Sweater. I like this much more than my original intention of waffling all the way from beginning to end. The fronts will be similar, with waffle panels instead of entirely waffled. The yarn is Berkshire Bulky, color 33 Olive. It's a stable knit, neither super fast nor super slow. I like the Berkshires. They're my buddies. Soft and warm all over, and my daughter's favorite yarns to stock - so if you buy any, remember - you're not just buying yarn, you're giving a kid a job! The waffle prevents boredom, but the overall shape and assembly is quite simple.
Yesterday was my daughter's 18th birthday. She is 'the baby' of the family. I had the weirdest dream last night that I was running after her, yelling at her to slow down, wait, listen to me for just one more minute. She ran off, blithe and smiling and laughing. I could not catch her, and I finally sat and cried, but not a horrible painful cry, more like the crying I did when she nursed for the last time. She latched on, took a little sip, let go and gave me this look that so clearly said "I don't need you any more." and ran off to play. I sat there knowing in my gut as clearly as I know my own name that she was done and would never nurse again, and I was right. 18 is not 35, and I know there will be times when she comes to me for support, advice, etc, and I hope she listens to the wisdom of age and experience. But generally speaking my time in control is really ending, and hers is just beginning. I just pray I did ok enough in the first 18 years to ease her transition into full womanhood. OK. More knitting. Phew. Brutal stuff this childrearing nonsense.
This is partial progress on Stockbridge Socks (208 camel) - they're just a simple cable rib, a small project for the amusement of sock knitters. This is not a sock yarn. These will not be daily wear socks. These are comfy weekend socks, warm and squashy. I want to finish them but am so totally distracted by the waffling thing that I can't take half a day to finish a pair of socks. ***sigh***. Maybe this weekend. They're a fast knit and a great car project becasue they are so delightfully small. I adore socks for on the road or in the doctors office etc.
Last night we gave Girl her gifts from us - tonight we have a family thing that will yield her slightly more booty. But I did a good thing - purely by accident I found a concert that I thought she might like. "Might like". Kind of an understatement. The tickets have not arrived, so I made this and taped it to the front of the new Jaime Cullum CD, and was rewarded by great joyous uproar from Girl. Interesting - her other gift was a video game. Harvest Moon Magical Melody. Straddling two worlds she is, with video games and jazz concerts.
Then, yesterday, because it was for me a celebration of sorts, having suffered through a million hours of horrible labor...sigh...ok, totally lying here. It was actually about five hours of unmedicated, uncomplicated peace and love, and was so easy that I was making quiche and doing laundry right up till we left for the birthplace five minutes away, whereupon I labored for a whopping hour and ten minutes more before pushing her out in about three pushes...not a lot of suffering there, but still enough to entitle me to a small gift. Or three. So I bought myself some books. I actually have none of these, as amazing as that may sound, and considering I did win the Jordana Paige bag thanks to the Yarn Harlot's Olympic Endeavors, the least I can do is buy a book or two (rationalization and denial being the keys to success). I LOVE Knitting Rules. So far I have determined that I am indeed obsessed, I am a sensei with a smattering of organic, and I am not the only psycho in the world who tried to combine knitting with the treadmill, and ended safely on the bike. Loaded with humor and amazing insight, this book contains nearly every basic concept you need to know about knitting. I was especially pleased to see discussion of the often neglected issues of needle selection, the model knitting bag, and items every knitter should have on hand at all times. Perfect for beginners with no-nonsense straight talk on issues like the importance of gauge, and realistic dicussions about why knitting that item for that kid may not be a great idea. I may read excerpts of the gauge chapter at the beginning of every class I teach from now on.


Persnickety Knitter said...

Happy Birthday to Girl! And very interesting video game selection ;)

You know what's funny? When I read "tonight we have a family thing that will yield her slightly more booty" I totally thought, "what? she's getting a bigger butt???" How sad is that? I've been listening to too many booty songs I guess.

I like the olive sweater. How about Making Tracks as a name instead? Kind of reminds me of tire tread marks. Like this.

Stefaneener said...

Happy Birthday to your baby and happy Birth Day to you! Of course you deserve gifts -- it's not just the labor, it's the 18 years of concern, worry, enjoyment, and despair that follow!

I love the waffle on the sweater. Yum. . . waffles! Enjoy the books. Your students will thank you.

MelissaKnits said...

I love it. Making Tracks. This has great merit. Let's see if it works like Flutter did - Cirilia suggested it, and I pondered it, and woke up the next day and there it was, clear as a bell, Flutter.

Making Tracks.

MelissaKnits said...

Girl is fixated on those games. She and her friend Maria. Farmer Girls. Now, she and Tracy or Brendon play Burnout, or some Mario Cart racing thing, and when Maria visits they do more two player stuff. But left to her own she's a Harvest Moon girl all the way.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you like the latest book. What a relief.

MelissaKnits said...

Like it heck - I think the employees may have cleaned out the whole order before it even hit the floor.

Cirilia said...

I bought the last copy today I think! Everyone swears there are twenty more SOMEWHERE but none of us could find them! I am so so so sad that tonight I was actually social--it was JR's last day and I agreed to cook dinner with a friend. Not only does this mean I won't be getting much work done on the May Day projects, I won't get to devour Harlot's latest! I read some at lunch though and it is already my favorite of the three.

P.S. Did you know that you've hired a plus size model? Full details tomorrow.

MelissaKnits said...

If you are a plus size model I am morbidly obese and cannot be moved without a crane.

Cirilia said...

Haha, yeah, technically I am. I used to get cards from people who were like: "Hey kid, you're tall, come to this casting call" and I always got "Unless you drop 20 pounds, you're plus size!". I accepted it and never modeled because A. I never really wanted to and B. love food and think exercise wastes knitting time!

MelissaKnits said...

(resisting rant)....

(really resisting rant)....

I am going to work hard at leaving this alone, although I may go off on it in person.

Plus Size??? What total utter (deleted). And people wonder why Barbie was verboten in my home.

Melissa said...

Thanks for the book review. I have been wanting this book and now I'm definitely spending the cash.