Things are going better - the dog is well, and we're deciding to watch and wait for a bit. My cold eases, though a little icky this morning after working last night. I will rest today in preparation for sock classes tomorrow. OK, here's the lilac
Longmeadow garment moving along. So there's no sleeves as yet, I will start them after I blog this, but I just wanted to say...as amazing as it is, we're entering the final phases of construction and...and...I'm still in love. How odd. Usually by now I am experiencing great dislike, or at least some minimal distaste. Maybe I have crossed some sort of design bridge. Be a nice change!

I began a pair of socks using some
Artyarns Ultra 4 color 105, and was bored by the rib after a whole 2/3 inch, and decided I wanted a little open work for summer, so I found a pattern to superimpose on them. I am liking them as well. Sort of "Rose Leaf" looking things. Mayhap I shall name them thus and write them down on paper instead of just in my head. I worked on them yesterday while waiting for
Visual Field Reference testing, which was not a lot of fun. Not painful, just if you're feeling under the weather it's a rather tiring twenty minutes in a dark room with your head on a chin rest being moved about by a tech, trying to click once for every little flash of blue light inside a giant golf-ball shaped device, while staring intently at a spot of yellow light at the back of said golf ball - with one eye. I got kind of competitive about the whole thing (VFR as an Olympic event??), and disgusted with myself for blinking and "missing" flashes. A lot of mental pressure, sitting there thinking "If I miss the flashes, will they take away my driver's license? Will I need eye drops? Laser surgery?
AARRGGHH!!!" The good news: there's nothing wrong with my eyes, my pressures are unchanged since the fall. The bad? I have to go back every six months "just in case."
Now it is time to return to knitting...to knit, perchance to complete the sleeves of the lilac garment by days end...that would be lovely!
It must mean something important that you're still enjoying the sweater! It's beautiful, but that can't be the only thing. You've discovered the anti-sweater-hate thing. Now if you could only bottle it. . .
Glad to hear things are going better in your household. The lavendar cardigan is looking quite lovely. Is it going to have buttons, zipper, or what?
Cute socks too.
Well..the sketch had a placket and buttons but I have totally changed my mind and am leaning more toward a very narrow g.s band picked up from hem to hem, maybe two rows with knit-in buttonholes...although that could change. It was supposed to button down the front but now am leaning toward three buttons at the top only, or four. Once the sleeves are on and it's steamed and I put it on the dummy I'll fiddle and pin and decide. The lacy rib gives it subtle shaping without having to inc or dec and I STILL love it.
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