1.) There was no granola for Mr. W's snack (he has granola, made by the loving hands of his wife, daily for a snack). No matter how much I make the container is universally empty on Monday mornings. There are also no raisins for new granola. Nor are there dried apricots, cherries, apple rings or peach slices. So I spent a great deal of time breaking dried banana chips into quarters, creating banana nut granola. They would not go through the food processor. Just bound up the thing. I stopped before I ruined yet another small kitchen appliance. I tried a knife, but they just stuck to it and would not break.
2.) My chair, my Ikea Poang chair, was so wobbly (I've been putting off tightening it) that when I sat down I knocked the ball band from the Jade Sapphire cashmere and the little baggie with the bead info from the cashmere socks into oblivion. I needed that information to finish writing the pattern up so the socks could go in the mail today. This small problem necessitated my moving the chair and tightening the screws, then sifting through every scrap and shred around my chair until I finally found the ball band - IN THE TRASH CAN, a thing I cannot hit to save my life when I am aiming for it, hence all the scraps and shreds I needed to sort through.
3.) My fire keeps going out, necessitating my constant intervention. Lots of checking, re-checking, poking, adding smallest things I can find without depleting the dwindling kindling supply, which distresses Mr. Wonderful greatly. Although at the moment, do I CARE if we have to spend next weekend finding kindling?? Right now I don't think I do.
4.) Nearing finalization of the sock pattern, I looked out the window and saw this:
So, you know what?? I am not even going to try. I am staying here. I've got yarn. I've got coffee. I've got cocoa. What else do I need?
I finished April's hat, but am waiting for actual April to show it. And - Malea, take heart - I swatched and cast your Sublime/Longmeadow hoodie on last night. You're my new official chill-out project.
It is possible that some day spring will come. But I am not holding my breath.
You can come on down and visit Spring at my house anytime :) It's still mid-winter at my sister's house too, she's in Cummington and has at least 2 feet of snow still blanketing her yard.
Yummy, sparkly, cashmere...mmmmm
Coffee. Cocoa. Yarn. All good!! Wish I was there to join you!
Man. I sympathize with your Monday blues.
I made breakfast and lunch, took two sets of kids to school, took my car in for a smog check, and then for a new registration sticker (because it's way, way overdue and I am in serious danger of getting it ticketed and/or towed), then I balanced my check book, paid bills, talked to the bank, registered the kids for summer camp, cleaned the house, shoveled out my so-called files, and did the laundry. Does that sound like Monday to you? Not even one fun thing in the whole lot, and it cost me a fortune. Yuck.
I need a fiber fix.
Friday, rain in Northampton, 5 f-ing inches of snow in Williamstown. I had to go to Gwen's for a photo shoot and got stuck in her driveway, had to have four people rock my big ol' minivan out. God, please buy me a Volvo. BTW, NOW you can put the book back in the blog. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.
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