We've got your basic sloth - between Cummington in the morning, a nap, visit from my father, visit to my in-laws, and a late dinner I did very little yesterday. I did finish the Big Secret Project in the evening, and need to block it. But that's not like a whole pair of socks, or a sweater or anything really productive. As a workday goes, it was seriously light. Then there was some gluttony in the form of Lamb Bits. I love Lamb Bits. I once had a long talk with an open-minded lamb-hater. We decided it's a matter of upbringing. If you were raised on lamb prepared properly, you will probably be a lamb lover in adult life. If you were raised on mutton or in complete lamblessness, you will not like it at all. Mr Wonderful and Girl do not like lamb. Girl can't even stand the smell of it roasting. When she was little, there was no lamb in her life because it was entirely too pricey for a single mother to buy. (She was, however, routinely subjected to liver, which was cheap) Her lamb-free lifestyle is sad, because I absolutely adore it. Roast, chops, stew, you name it. Sheep and Wools for me are really more about a quest for lamb than a quest for yarn.
Now envy.
We dropped some yarn off at a friend's house on the way home. They live in an old farmhouse complete with barn and sheds on hundreds (yes, I said hundreds) of acres in the wilds of Ashfield, Mass. They're the last house on the road and yards and yards from their nearest neighbor. In fact, you cant' see any neighbors. All you can see is this view, this scene all around of trees and grass and mountains.
And a tiny bit of pride, or something like it. It's fun to be recognized, and that's happening more and more. People are beginning to know my name. Then there will be a book...and maybe more people will know my name...and then my head will have to be popped to prevent it from getting too, too big for my shoulders...
Let's see that's six..ahh, yes, the seventh sin. Well, this is a G-rated blog so we'll just skip right over the details on that one.
I am off to New York Wednesday night. Chicken Farmers take Manhattan - film at 11. Amy is coming along, and will prevent me from going out without shaving my legs, spitting in public, shooting squirrels in the park, and leaving the hotel with chicken poo on my shoes. I am going to see very important things for the very first time, like the New York subway system, a large book thing called BEA that everyone says will amaze me, and - most importantly - TIFFANY'S!! Girl has requested that I buy large dark glasses, a croissant, and a cup of coffee and stand in front of Tiffany's very early in the morning for a photo-op just for her. She also requested that I wear a large black hat and black sheaf dress. We'll see. I will unfortunately miss The Harlot Event, which is bumming me out. But I will learn a lot at this author's conference thing on Thursday...and I have always wanted to see New York...and Amy promised me sushi...so really it's a GOOD thing. I think everyone should go to the Harlot event and tell me all about it, so I can feel as if I missed nothing!
Totally cheesy wish - I want to go to the top of the Empire State Building. Is this not truly silly?
The fact that you even know the seven deadly sins puts you miles ahead, as far as I'm concerned! I saw the movie "Seven" at least three times before I actually caught that little detail--and I still have to picture the movie scenes to remember the sins. (But then, I'm not Catholic, either, so I'm not too worried about it!)
Well, having engaged in most of them on and off for most of my life, I just have all sorts of sin experience!!
I love Girl's idea, and want to see a picture of that too!
Man I lurve NY. College out on LI and weekends in the city - those were the days. Have a great time at the JavCtr.You WILL be overwhelemed but I'm sure Amy will take great care of you. Enjoy.
I will take such good care of you...it's like you were me. Sushi up the ying yang and we may visit some other countries as well. Those that don't contain gluten. You will make me finish the adorable baby dress. And oh, the schwag we will bag!
Hey, I grew up lamb-less (at least I cannot remember having it), but I now love lamb.
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