Saturday, May 14, 2011
Warm Hands, Warm Heart- Day 6
The truth about working for me as a sample or test knitter is that sometimes I can hand you something scrawled on a napkin in orange crayon, and expect you to get back to me with a finished project in a week. The mittens on page 146 are an example of this rather haphazard method of tormenting these innocent volunteers. Case in point, to Katy I said "Hey, could you put a cable on there, I don't care what I trust you, just tell me what you did." She created the beautiful cabled mittens knit in Barb Parry's Upland Wool Alpaca. To me, my intrepid and longsuffering technical editor Tamara said "We need examples of these mittens in different gauges.", and I found myself knitting a pair in Valley Yarns Northampton Bulky, and a second pair in Valley Yarns Superwash DK. In three-round stripes of four colors. Kristen is one of my favorite people to throw things at. First, she throws them back. It wasn't until, I think, this project that the others found out that if Kristen decided she did not like her project she gave it back. I remember everyone slightly aghast saying "Wait. You can give them BACK? And she LETS you?". Yes, for Kristen, I will take it back. First, we appear to be (if distantly) related. Second, she's about a foot taller than me. Really, who is going to argue with someone who could step on them without much effort? I handed her Valley Yarns Berkshire and a pattern with holes in it, and said "Make mittens". They were her first. She triumphed over them, and did so beautifully!Now you can too, thanks to the generous contribution of Webs - one skein of Berkshire will accompany your copy of Teach Yourself Visually Circular Knitting
, should you be declared today's winner! Oh, and the holes in the pattern? They're gone now, so you know! Just answer this question in the comments below to be entered to win! Are you craft-monogamous or do you cross-craft? Just knit? Spin? Sew? Paint? Or collect bottle caps to recycle into sweet, hip belts? Share!
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I spin a tiny bit. I'd like to do some rug hooking. I occasionally paint & draw.
I'm polycraftual - I knit, crochet, and sew. Thinking about taking up weaving (and played with a loom at MDSW!)
I used to do rug hooking, but haven't for a long time.
I'm definitely a cross-crafter! While crochet is my first love, knitting is becoming a close second. But I've also done: beading, quilting, cross stitch, and locker hooking!! I haven't actively done the last four in some time, but I still have bins with the accessories needed should I choose to work on them again!!
My mother was multicraftual and so am I. I knit, spin, crochet, weave and do beading and wirework. I've tried stamping, tatting(shuttle and needle)and sewing. Knitting is my number one.
I sew and quilt, I knit, crochet, spin, and weave. I can do many kinds of embroidery and needlework. I have played around with tatting and other lace making technique. In other words, if I have heard of it, I have tried it.
Knitting is my number one but I do occasionally cheat with spinning and sewing.
I knit and crochet.
Equal opportunity crafter! Knit, sew, crochet (does cake decoration count?)...anything but scrapbooking. Those scrappers are just nuts.
I do a lot of different things, though I do tend to focus on one at a time....just a little OCD, thank you! Mostly fiber arts...knitting, crocheting, spinning, some cross stitch....
I have been multi-craft minded most of my life. I truly believed that there was nothing I couldn't do, and I did most of them, knit, crochet, weave, paint, sculpt, sew, carve, macrame, and almost anything that crossed my path. The only failure I can remember is when I tried to learn how to tat. Never did manage that one.
Now, in my golden years, I've settled on knitting. I prefer simple projects, like socks. I'll never get enough socks, I keep giving them away so there's more room in the drawer.
I try to spin but it takes away from my knitting time :)
Right now, knitting is my only craft, but spinning may be in my future...
I knit. Sometimes I'll break out the sewing machine and bust a move with pillows or curtains or even (gasp!!!) mending. I can do a sc and a dc and a chain but have never really "worked on" a crochet project, preferring crochet as a trim to my knitting. Besides, I hold the needle funny and can't go fast..,
Right now - I just knit. In the past I have done a bit of crochet and sewing. I do have an 80% finished quilt top that's been calling me lately, so maybe I'll do a bit of sewing again this summer...
I knit, mostly, but I also needlepoint and quilt. I was a studio art major in college, so I dabble in a few other things as well.
I have been having a wild love affair with Knitting for the past year and a half. But I may occasionally have a fling with one of my old craft flames... scrapbooking, mural painting, or sewing!
I'm mostly bicraftual, spinning (on both Turkish spindles and an electric Hansen miniSpinner) and knitting. I USED to be an artist....
Cross-craft!!! Knit, crochet, sew, quilt, cross-stitch - I guess I like needles! At least the crafting kind. ;-) I would love to learn how to weave and make jewelry.
I knit and quilt and try to draw...definitely a cross crafter.
Scrapbooking and cardmaking are my other passions. I dabbled in mosaics a while ago and really enjoyed that; would love to get back into it someday, but all my crafting time is taken up mostly by knitting & scrapping. Going a little crazy cuz I'm waiting for the yarn for my next projects to arrive...!
I am able to do a lot of crafts, but tend to focus on just one thing at a time. I'm not only on a knitting kick, but I've been knitting socks exclusively. So I guess I'm a monogamous knitting at the moment!
I do some crochet, but mostly knitting.
I am mostly a knitter, but I like many other crafts... scrapbooking and bobbin lace are second and third, probably. Thanks for the chance to win!
I really only knit, but I'm planning to learn to sew this summer, and I really want to learn to spin!
I do a very small amount of simple sewing, and recently, a lot of knitting!
I knit, am learning to crochet and spin. The spinning is not going well, but I need to practice!
I am knitting monogamous (for the moment - I have dabbled in other crafts in the past)
I've been crocheting and sewing for many year, just learning to knit. Love it all, just don't have enough time in the day to do as much of it as I would like.
I mostly knit but enjoy sewing as well.
Right now i just knit. I have done crochet, crewel work, needlepoint, rug hooking and other crafts but I usually do one at a time.
Right now my only craft is knitting! I used to do many other crafts but right now its only knitting.
I knit...but I also do:
silk ribbon embroidery
pulled thread embroidery
drawn thread embroidery
bargello embroidery
needle tatting
a *little* shuttle tatting
even less spinning
a teensy bit of crochet
and some sewing :-)
I knit and sew. I can crochet but I don't much like it. I am saving up for a spinning wheel and I have a couple spindles I am trying to learn to spin.
I knit, I crochet a bit and that's about it!
I've tried out lots of other crafts...sewing, drawing, scrapbooking... but nothing has stuck until knitting
I knit & crochet... I have been known to sew, but I don't like it as well.
I knit, crochet, bead and just about anything else that catches my eye! If I see something in a store and decide I could probably make it myself, I will. I would sew but I don't have a machine and I would spin but I don't want more yarn at this point!
Reflecting back on previous ventures, I tend to be a one-craft person with wondering eyes. Knitting is my craft of choice, but I've been eyeing spinning with a drop spindle, dying yarn/fiber and jewelry making with beads.
I also spin and weave. I help coach a youth Sheep to Shawl team. Our team has come in first place at the PA Farm Show three years in a row!
I knit, scrapbook and a little beading. Would love to learn to spin!!
Oh, I knit, crochet, quilt, sew, embroider and a few other handwork projects in between.
I have to have something in my hands to keep both me and my mind busy.
I do a lot of crafts.
I knit, crochet, make photo's, paint, draw, sew, work with beads.
Crafting is just one of those basic needs like eating, drinking and being loved. I just need to craft every day, if not... i'm not happy.
I was first a sewer, but knitting is soooo portable, and has recently gained favor. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Ack! My secret is OUT!! So much for being special. :)
I used to "cross-craft" before knitting. Apparently you people are addicting. Now I just go back and forth a little with crocheting. But it's still yarn, so does that even count?
I mainly crochet and am learning to knit...I used to quilt and sew too
I am a multi crafter. I knit,spin, weave, crochet and am now taking up sewing.Keeps me out of trouble:)
I am a cross crafter. I do knit, crochet, spinner, fiber dyeing and now weaving and sewing. I also in the past did cross stitching, needlepoint, embroidery.
Primarily I am a knitter. I do make jewlery, quilt and sew though. I like knitting because ot it is portable. I tried to do cross stitch for a while, didn't work for me.
I cross-craft, knit, sew & a bit of scrapbooking. Knitting is more portable though!
esea on Ravelry
I do many crafts. I knit, crochet, sew, counted cross stich, embroidery, a litte scrapbooking..... I will try just about anything.
Knit, quilt, sew, occasionally cross-stitch, primitive stitcheries, paper craft and anything else that strikes my fancy! I'm such a craft SLUT!
I have ADD when it comes to crafts... I knit, crochet, spin, weave, scrapbook, make cards, sew, want to learn to quilt...
I love it all.
OMB! I'm a craft junkie! I knit, crochet, spin, sew, and have abaout to try needle felting and have done stamping/card making/scrap booking in the past. I may need therapy! LOL
I knit, sew, cross stitch, and bead. Mostly I knit though.
Okay, my list of crafts is rather long. I knit, quilt, do machine embroidery, rubber stamp and scrapbook. Plus I have severe OCD so I have everything I could ever need for every hobby! Good thing I have a closet in my craft room to hide my stashes! LOL!
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