Kicking things off with a bit of a bang, today's giveaway is a Lexie Barnes Coco in a one-of-a-kind fabric! I love Lexie's stuff in general, and have a considerable collection of it hanging around my house. I could make a long list, from the Pixie backpack that accompanies me on my bike to Farmer's Market and often appears with me on trips as carry-on and teaching material bag to my McCoy overnight bag, or my Lady B the classic pattern pink parfait or my Darling diaper bag (diapers, hell. It's full of YARN!!) in the beloved makiko print. And no, the MMO personal Lexie Barnes Collection does NOT end there.
This bag is the actual bag used in the photo shoot for TYV Circular Knitting, and will be accompanied by a copy of the book when it arrives at your door, lucky winner!
Coco is an excellent bag for storing your circular knitting needles. The outside of the bag is a durable, water resistant eco-laminated canvas. With convenient, clear, wipeable pockets and 8 extra pockets for bits and pieces, you can organize your needles in almost "at-a-glance" style. Many people make labels for each pocket to add an additional level of organization to the mix.(My circs for the photo only and are not included in today's prize giveaway. Just the Coco.)
Now for today's question... hmmm... We will begin with a knitting question. What is your favorite circular knitting method and why? Answer this question in the comments below to be entered to win today's prize!
@ At a time of course. No second sock syndrome. I have 8 (ish) socks in progress. >.<
Magic Loop! No faffing around with pointy sticks, no need to have another-extra-just-in-case size 2 circular (because I have several needles on several projects, I'd end up making needle manufacturers REALLY rich).
2 @ a time* the interwebs ate the 2. >.<
2-at-a-time toe-up socks!
Magic loop!
Magic loop!
There - no error message :)
I love me some 2 @ a time magic loop, but I have to say my FAVORITE are DPNs. They feel so natural in my hands...
I like 2 at a time top down with circs, but also like DPN's...
I am so old-school. I would have to say "knitting in the round." :D
No, wait, I like to use my circulars as straights. I don't use straights, ever!
I am just a newbie learning from your books in the past month or so...I love the magic loop 2 at a time! thanks so much!
Magic loop.
I use circular needles for everything. I never use straights, but I love knitting 2 socks at a time, toe up!
Toe up 2AAT is my favorite. Am I kissing up to the inventor of the technique? No, it really is, but I do think that the person who came up with it is brilliant!
I knit virtually everything on circs - flat pieces back knit back and forth on circular needles is probably what I do most.
I love the circulars, plus two at a time. I use the smaller needles all the time. Once in awhile I venture to larger needles.
I am a boring in the round knitter, but I use the circular all the time for even straight knitting. I also do the magic loop after a drink!!!
I only use circs and DPNs. I guess knitting in the round is my favorite. That technique makes it so easy to pick back up and start knitting again. When I know that I don't have to finish a row before helping my little one it makes it easier to sneak little bits of knitting in throughout the day.
I make mostly baby and toddler sweaters, usually from the neck down. I use magic loop to do the sleeves. I have never been able to knit using double points.
I don't know enough about it to have a favorite. I love to knit and have used circular needles a few times.....I guess I need to do more with circular needles. :-)
I'm a two-at-a-time magic loop girl: socks, sleeves, gloves. It's useful for so many things!
Using circulars as straights. Comfy and stowable!!
2 at a time sleeves/cardigan fronts/etc., on 1 circ, 2 at a time socks on 2 circs.
two-at-a-time toe up. no second sock syndrome. plus the socks are exactly the same size -no sneaky extra rows anywhere.
Magic loop -- less pointy ends to deal with
I never thought I would be a sock knitter. It seemed so tedious with all the needles and having to do it all over again when 1 was done. 2 at a time is amazong. I love making socks now! And today, waht a great day to discover your blog.
I definitely like to knit socks in the round toe-up, 2 at a time. It makes me feel like even if I make a mistake on both, at least they will match. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I don't use a particular method per se, but I love using circulars to knit sweaters and other large projects- nothing to seam!
Top down seamless sweaters, and of course two at a time socks!
I love to use the 2 at a time method! No one sock wonders! The main reason I love it is because the first time I tried I got stuck. So I emailed Melissa. She actually replied and talked me in from the ledge! I will never forget that. Thank you Melissa.
I also use my dpns (socks only though, lol)
Dawn Allen
I have finally mastered the 2 at a time method for socks! It took a while. The main reason I choose to use this method is because I was majorly confused until I emailed Melissa. She actually replied and talked me in from the ledge!I will never forget her graciousness and patience!
Thanks Melissa!
Dawn Allen
My favorite method is magic loop; fewer needles to mess with and fewer ladders to worry about. Plus, I can do everything I need with only one needle!
Magic Loop with 2aat.. no 2nd sock syndrome...
I just wished I was more organized with my stuff...
I'm a double pointed needle girl. I love the feel of the wood in my hands, I like that the end of each needle is a little milestone, and I like that it feel so contained - no loops sticking out to the side, no needle ends hanging down getting tangled in my yarn.
I'm still learning magic loop but with every new project I love it a little more!
I have happily stuck with Magic Loop for my circular knitting.
It is simple
It is versatile (1 item OR 2aaT)
It is contained (no DPNs falling out and getting lost)
AND it is cost effective (WHY would I want to buy 2 of every size needle???)
I love circulars and knitting in continental style. My movements are so small and I can knit quit a while without having any problems with my arms of neck etc. I knit my socks 2 at a time on circulars too.
How exciting - congrats on your new book! My fave method is ML 2AAT toe up - I'm just binding off my first ever pair of socks, made following the instructions from your 2AAT book. I'm so glad I decided on this method for learning sock knitting - it has been smooth sailing all the way. Thanks for the great instructions!
My favorite circular method is magic loop and often is what I gravitate towards. I have been making lots of socks lately though so I've run out of circular needles, and my 2nd favorite method is on DPNs.
I broke I think your first rule about 2AAT Socks and my first ever socks were with 2 at a time with the magic loop. Amazing!!!!! I despise dpns!!!
I love magic loop. After Rhinebeck and your great class, I love 2@ a time and magic loop. I was the lady who purchased both books for my sister as well as my myself. You were so kind and signed all four books for me. Thank you and thank you for 2 @ a time.
First of all I must say that knitting in the round is my favourite method of knitting! I knit most of my socks two at once from the method I learnt in your book and I love it. I always use magic loop when my needle is too long for circular knitting.
First of all I must say that knitting in the round is my favourite method of knitting! I knit most of my socks two at once from the method I learnt in your book and I love it. I always use magic loop when my needle is too long for circular knitting. I can't stand DPNs, too many ends everywhere!
I love to knit socks TAT because of you!! I no longer have the dreaded SSS. Thank you for writing such great books. I'm looking forward to reading your next one.
Magic Loop (and I still think I deserve royalties or something for getting you started on it!) :)
Magic Loop...because it just seems truly magical and I am not good at handling double points.
socks on 2 circs. I keep thinking I should learn magic loop but the 2 circs just works for me.
I prefer 2 at a time socks done cuff down the very best. I have both your books and learned to do it from your first book.
Used to knit 1 sock on 2 circs method, but 2 socks on 1 is so much easier, and guarantees my 2 socks are finished at the same time and look alike. Your first book converted me to Magic Loop.
I actually really like working on dpns. I use them for socks, mittens, and even hats when I can! Congratulations on the book!
Two-at-a-time Magic loop--or is that 2?
I love Magic Loop. Goes faster than DPN's or 2 at a time circs.
I like to make socks with dpn's.
I do everything on circulars!!! They are wonderful compared to straights.
T-A-A-T magic loop is my fave. Is there any other way??????
It is the only way to get the job done. I love sox.
TAAT Magic Loop for socks or pairs of ANYthing!
2-at-a-Time Toe-Ups! I'm one of the newer knitters in my group, but the only one "brave enough" for socks! I've told them how easy it is, but they haven't tried yet!
I like magic loop. I use circulars for just about everything. I have really been looking forward to your book coming out.
Definitely Magic Loop or in the seams
My favorite circular method is 2@AT,magic loop,I like cuff down and toe up equally... why, well cause it makes me happy! Once I am done with one sock, the other is done too, they both are exactly the same and I can go on to my next pair! Also, it just looks so cool, and people who don't knit are amazed when they see me knitting in the Dr or dentist waiting room!
I use circular needles for just about everything I knit. I have to confess that I've never knitted a sock, although I've seen enough about the two at a time method that I keep thinking one of these days when I have time I'll give them a try.... Congrats on the new book.
I'm a DPN person myself...I use them whenever possible, even when a circular might be "easier". I can't really put my finger on *why*, exactly, but from the very first time I tried knitting with DPNs, it's been a love affair!
I love magic loop be it on a hat or 2 at a time socks.
I would have to say knitting in the round because I have not tried anything else.
Since taking your class at Vogue Knitting I love 2 at a time knitting. Your class also taught me the magic loop method which I now use when I only need to do 1 at a time!
I learned magic loop in 2010 & ever since, I have been knitting socks as fast as I can.
esea on Ravelry
4 dpns for socks. Just love how they feel in my hands.
cynshep on Ravelry
Magic Loop... I'm sure I'll like 2-at-a-time toe-up when i try it with a long enough cable! So far I've only done the practice socks.
Thanks for the giveaway! I do so need another bag or ten...
I use my interchangeable circulars for everything. I'm still learning how to do 2 socks at a time and magic loop...
2 at a time socks, toe up! Both socks are finished one right after the other and then I can wear them. Thanks for the giveaway!
two at a time toe-up socks
This is too funny we are all saying and writing the same thing... I too do not even own straight and DPN's... all I have are circulars and my favorite is magic loop knitting too. I do the sleeves in top down sweaters 2@a time, socks, mittens, just anything that will work on Magic loop... I do.
Just learnt about a year ago,,, and going back to the old way would be like trading in my car for a horse and buggy...
I use my circular needles for a lot of projects, but probably "knitting in the round" the most. I am hoping to try the two at a time sock pattern in the near future.
OK, I'm not sure I even know all circular knitting techniques so I'll have to go with what I know and that is magic loop. Congrats on the book!!!!!
I love stockinette in the round.
I love stockinette stitch in the round.
My favorite is magic loop- two at a time socks from the top down. I also use magic loop for sleeves when I can.
I love 2 @ a time with the magic loop method for socks and fingerless gloves.
Two at a time magic loop (you don't want to know how many orphan sox I have from before I learned TAAT!)
I'm a fan of magic loop for anything (not just socks) because you don't have to have the right size needle! Just buy a really long one and you're all set for everything. Perfect!
Magic Loop has to be my fave. Can be used for so many things, socks, shawls, sweaters, hats, etc.
I use circular needles to make blankets and larger projects because it's less tenstion on my wrists.
Love Magic loop - toe-up two @ a time is so rewarding! Use circs for everything!
Two at a time Magic Loop changed my (knitting) life! I love to do ribbing on socks, armwarmers, leg warmers.
I've also begun to enjoy top-down hats.
I love magic loop, but only have one set of long enough circulars to work with, so many times I resort to dpns.
Well, today I'm about to finish my first pair of 2AAT socks top down so magic loop is presently my Favorite method. It's truly is magic that I have 2 socks done instead of one!
I love 2aaT Magic Loop socks!
Circulars are the bomb!! As soon as I latched on to a pr.. the sticks went out the window and those short pointy things are in the bottom of the box!!
I learned to knit using circulars, so my answer is "everything"! I use them when knitting flat, in the round (of course) and love them for 2-at-a-time, magic loop.
2 at at time / magic loop. Love socks and all circular knitting. finish at the same time and perfect matches, can't beat it!
2-at-a-time magic loop for socks. I have really bad second sock syndrome, so having both socks done at the same time is fabulous. Fab-u-lous!!!
I'm a huge fan of using circulars for everything but I really love my 12" addi turbo's for socks. I don't tend to 2nd sock syndrome and the smaller size works well for whatever my current lunchtime project happens to be.
I've got to say 2 at a time magic loop, socks, mittens, fingerless, anything. For me, the "instant gratification" comes much quicker than it did when I used to do one at a time.
I'd have to say 2 at a time magic loop anything, socks, mittens, sleeves. The "instant gratification" comes much quicker than when I used to do them single.
Judy (
magic loop, for everything - been doing it since I was about twelve - I also make everything I possibly can two-at-a-time...socks, gloves, mittens, sleeves, charity hats
it's intuitive, efficient, and eliminates the need for note-taking (except, of course, when working up new designs)
I like DPNs and Magic loop depending on what I'm making. If I really need to concentrate, I use DPNs.
Definitely two at a time for socks. I suffer from the dreaded second sock syndrome, so this is my cure!
Magic loop for sure! I don't do double points well!
Magic Loop has saved me from many potential jabs with DPNs. My hands, arms, and eyes are grateful!
I knit everything on circulars that I possibly can. I am a "top down and seamless" gal:)
I prefer two circs (24") for circular knitting such as socks. :)
I like magic loop and two circulars. Can't get the hang of dpns, but I'll keep trying.
Definitely magic loop.
Magic Loop, and if it's anything I'm making more than one of, 2AAT of course!
I LOVE knitting on circulars, but I've very new! Magic Loop is my friend! Can't wait to read your book one of these days!
^_^/))) byeeee
I love Magic loop! It's much easier than fiddling with dpn's! For socks I love the 2 @ a time method! I even use it for mittens!
I haven't tried magic loop yet, but I think I'd like to. Really, I like two at a time on two circs... that way I don't run into the whole second sock thing and I don't have to remember how many rows I knit on the leg before doing the heel thing! Especially when said socks have been in the works for 2 years.
My favorite......2aat socks, sleeves, hats, etc. Of course. ;-)
Magic Loop is cool, but 2 @ a time toe up is even better!
I like to knit in the round on circulars. Nothing fancy.
Magic Loop followed by 2 circulars.
Magic loop especially while knitting two socks at a time!
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