Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Time to take stock. I have so many things to be thankful for, it's hard to know where to begin. First, I am thankful that I get up every morning under my own steam, and walk to the coffee maker which I can see with my eyes and hear with my ears.

I am thankful for babies who grow up into children who then become adults even if at times it appears that they are trying to drive me into an institution.

I am thankful for a man in my life who supports me and loves me no matter what, even when at times I appear to have Career A.D.D. (Nurse? seamstress? crafter? knitting teacher? author?? what next???). I am thankful for my father who never forgets to say "What are you going to be when you grow up??" and shakes his head wryfully.

I am thankful for food in my fridge and a roof over my head, for a warm bed at night. I am thankful for my life.

I am thankful for America which I often bash but truly love. I am thankful that I can be at liberty to complain about America. It's easy to gripe when you have freedom. I am thankful that tomorrow when I wake up there will not be the threat of bombs and guns blasting me out of my senses. I am thankful for relative peace around me, even if the rest of the world appears to be going to heck in a handbasket.

At this precise moment I am mostly thankful for my job. I send out letters, and yarn comes to my house, for free. Yes it needs to be swatched and designed into socks. Yes, it needs to be knitted and photographed. But it just appears here, as if by magic. And I love it all so very much! If I had to choose a favorite so far I'd have to say one particular skein of Scheafer Anne is calling out to me. I love that yarn. But then the Cherry Tree Hill, my first, is decidedly edible. The Louet yearns to be knitted - and then machine washed and dried. Where do I begin??

Maybe I am thankful that I can just stare at it for a few more days...

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