We interrupt this compelling and delightful trip report to bring you a knitting update:
First, I will be at the
CYCA Mall of America Knit-Out Saturday and Sunday February 16th and 17th at the Storey Books booth between Macy's and Bloomingdale's doing informal demos of my 2-socks method, and signing books, and participating in an author's forums and signings in the Rotunda. If you're in the area stop by, introduce yourself, say hello! I know my name's not on the list but trust me I shall be there with bells on! Unfortunately since I get in at around 1:00 AM Monday I will not be stopping in Greenfield for sushi at New Fortune which is my regular habit upon returning home from wherever. Maybe Monday evening. Monday is a special day for me (shhh... it's a secret, don't tell, but it's my birthday!).
Second, I will be at
Northern Woolies in Greenfield on February 23rd, signing books from 10am-noon, followed by a loosely organized group take-over of
Mesa Verde where we shall indulge our various passions for painfully fresh salsa and margaritas and chopped jalapenos.

Finished Objects: Socks designed for
Knit and Crochet Today, I am calling them Castaway Socks. The yarn is
Kaffe Fassett's Regia sock yarn in two colors (one landscape, one mirage). I like them. The pattern will be given away free on the shows website when "my" episode airs.
And almost finished is "
Malea's Will-the-Cashmere-Be-Enough-Scarf-o-Tis", an adaptation of the seriously famous
Clapotis. Mods: big honking needles (like a 9), little tiny yarn (lace weight cashmere), and only five initial repeats result in a more narrow scarf. Warmth will be provided by the luscious cashmere and the air space created by the drops and looser stitches. Don't ask me what the yarn is or

where it came from as I have no clue. She just handed it over and said "Can this be a Clapotis and I will make you something?" and I said "Uh. Not so much. But it can be a scarf." Should be done today. I had to rip it when I did 7 repeats and was running out of yarn so fast it would have been a handkerchief-o-tis. One good long sauna should finish the thing (because there will be no more yarn). Since it was seven freaking degrees here this morning (not including the wind chill), the sauna is looking mighty nice. If you need me, that's where I'll be! Finally, my chopsticks can be held by something pretty and Malea-made rather than the ugly old Starbucks mug! If I'd thought about it I'd have convinced her I needed lovely square and rectangle sushi plates, too. One just the right size for seaweed salad, and another that can hold three or four hand rolls, mathing. Mr. W. and I share our sushi on one big plate. I almost bought some plates at Disney at Mitsukoshi, but I was afraid they'd break in transit. Maybe she's got other knitting she needs done...and maybe I have time (hah!!).

Another in-progress item, my submission for Judith Durant's next 101 book, Hand Maiden silk (and wool) socks in a color called Paris, and a pattern that makes the most of it. I love how these are looking. Yes, there is a second one. 2-at-a-Time All the Way. These are just very very pretty and I want to wear them, and the idea that I have to send them off to be judged when they so obviously want to be on my feet...but my feet will survive, and live till the socks come back!
And in the Wild Kingdom department, this genetically superior specimen of deer-hood

was about two feet away from me. Admittedly, there was a shrub between us, and he was, perhaps, confused and thought I was a branch. I opened the sliding glass door, took his picture, coughed, cleared my throat. He kept munching, oblivious. I said "Well. You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?" GASP! His head snapped around and he got that (forgive me, but really, it's the only thing I can think of) "deer in headlights" look and took off.
OK. Tomorrow, back to our regularly scheduled program, in which you are subjected to the continued exploits of MMO and Mr. Wonderful as they engage in their first ever Disney cruise...but will it be their last? Stay tuned!
1 comment:
Ooooh--love the socks! I have a bunch of dk weight bfl in that Paris coloway. Lovely colors. I haven't been able to figure out what to do with it yet.
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