On Saturday morning I'd planned to meet up with Rue, Kristen and Sara and head on up to Twist Fair, which "...is an exciting event showcasing original handmade goods and art, held twice a year (May and November) in Northampton, MA." It's put on by the talented Ms. Lexie Barnes and her equally brilliant husband Cory, owner of Spire Bags. The stuff last time was awesome. I was ready to shop this time.
I am nothing if not impatient, so at about 10:01am (look, I waited as long as I could, I swear it) Kristen and I set off for Twist leaving a note on my car that indicated by lack of patience. I just, sometimes, cannot sit still and wait. Saturday was one of those days. What I didn't know is that Sara had no idea where Twist was being held and this time unlike when she got lost on the way to my house, Rue was not there to guide her. Oops. Restless MMO Syndrome strikes again. A little technology, a little direction and all was well.
As a result of my Adult-Onset ADD (I think I like Restless MMO Syndrome better. Votes?), Kristen and I and Kristen's daughter were lucky enough to receive the most awesome swag bags! Early birds were rewarded with a reusable muslin bag stuffed with all sorts of good things.
My first objective was Celadon Studio. I love Malea's stuff and I'd seen a couple of mugs I really wanted to get my hands on. But then I saw this cup, and was lost.
Wandering on Kristen discovered these adorable little origami stars, in a cute kit, and I had to have those, too. Because I have so much time in which to make origami stars, right? Also at this booth was a lamp made from drink umbrellas which I adored, but had not planned for. I am planning for the future, and hope to see Bright Lights Little City back again at Twist in the fall. I will plan for a lamp next time around!
Next I found the self-proclaimed fuzzmason (I love that) Jessica Fafnir Adamites who's so local to me I could probably throw something from the front yarn and it'd hit her (ok, maybe I'd have to get up on the roof, but still, next town over really!), and was compelled to buy a woolly envelope. A difficult decision in terms of color, really. I wanted them all. I love the idea of it as a wee little gift carrier.
We saw the talented Tina, measured with spoons, creator and purveyor of the darling-est jewelery, which always makes me wish I wore the stuff. I particularly love that she used wrapping paper Katy gave her a gift in to make jewelery from. Tina gave me a pin that says "no. but I could have." which pretty much could apply to about anything I am wearing or carrying on any given day that causes people to say "Did you make that?". I think there should be a coordinating pin that says "why yes I did, thanks!"
I'd seen these adorable Beehive Kitchenware spoons on the Twist website before the fair, and was determined not to buy one. Really. I told myself before I left home that I did not have a baby, nor was I planning to have a baby, nor did I know any baby who did not already have spoons.
In keeping with the 'handmade holiday' theme that we're working on for Christmas 2009, I bought these charming painted vintage tea towels. They'll accompany some handmade trivet tiles we found earlier in the year.
At Bill Pickles Dog Co. I snagged a new collar for Dazee and whole wheat peanut butter and carob treats for Boo. He knew exactly what they were for before I'd even opened the package. Dazee's new collar is perfect, too. It's wider so you can see it. Her little one gets lost in all that hair. Boring. I can SEE this one, green with orange and pink circles. She may need more.
Oh the yum. Bunny Butt Apothecary makes the most delightful things.
Mel really enjoyed my return from Twist Fair. So much so that he decided that any and all tissue paper and paper bags? Were his.
Sunday morning began sadly, when during morning dog-walk we found these feathers
With a heavy heart I headed for Greenfield to take my mother shopping and to run errands, and give her a Dazee visit. Somewhere along the way, I believe at lunch on Saturday, Sara had mentioned violet jelly. Somewhere in the dim recesses of my mind I have an image of this as something I'd heard of, probably from Sara last spring, and wanted to do along with lilac jam. I had never quite managed to get around to, and now, reminded, was insistent that it needed to be done. I headed to Greenfield's Market for unbleached cane sugar. It makes the jam a bit darker, and jellies aren't as crystal-clear as some like them, but I feel a bit better about what's in them. The optically dazzling white stuff gives me the creeps, really.
As I parked at Greenfield's my cell phone rang. On the other end of the line, Mr. Wonderful said "Uh. I think we counted your chicken before it was dead." I said "What??" and he said "That chicken, I don't think you'll believe me, but she's right here. I am staring right at her." No way? Yes way! Celia lives. I didn't believe him until I came home and saw for myself. And see her I did
Happily I turned back to my original afternoon plans - jam! - with periodic checks out the window to verify that we weren't seeing things in chicken land. Using Sara's Violet Jam recipe with a couple of modifications, these
I added some ginger and lemon to the dandelion recipe, and set it to cooking.
This morning I extended the jamfest into Scary Berry (just strawberry but made from store-bought gargantuan and unnatural looking California berries deeply on sale making it impossible to resist) and my new favorite, Lemon Ginger (without dandelions).
And Celia? With some quick thinking on Mr. Wonderful's part last evening we managed to get her indoors for the night. The rest of the chickens will now need to stay in their yard for a couple of weeks until Celia remembers where it's safe to sleep
I've been toying with some more jam ideas. Every now and then I look over the backyard and ponder savory jams using garlic scapes and nettles and things, or more sweet ones. And maybe more dandelion. And the lilacs are coming soon. I love to forage. There's something amazingly satisfying about bringing in things from our own property, some wild some we plant on purpose and incorporating them into our lives. It's a feeling I wish I could share with the world.
Next time - knitting, crocheting, and how potholders and the internet can be dangerous to your work-life.
i love this post.
I love how the blog expands all the snippets along you FB/Twitter posts!
The pictures of jam are killing me, but farmers markets start next weekend, so I will be patient. Maybe.
My husband is bringing me home jalapenos tonight. For what?, you ask - for jam, of course. It is spectacularly awesome on meatloaf!
And just because everyone needs one more laugh in their day, whether it has been great or not:
Ass, jazz hands.
Violet jam? I've never eaten a violet... what does it taste like?
What a cute little chicken! I'm so glad she's okay.
My husband really, really wants another pet chicken after ours went to visit the dogs next door and didn't come home. But we can't get another until we resolve the "wandering chicken" problem by doing something--what, I don't know--to keep it in our own yard.
Oh, and rose petal jam is my all-time favorite. I ate pounds of it when I was in Istanbul.
this was the absolute happiest post. I really enjoyed the virtual travels. And the jams? COME ON----- how incredible they must be!!!!!
jealous, verrrrrry jealous here!
I really did enjoy the story of your remarkable hen. Also your jams bring back fond memories, when I used to make jam with a dear friend with the fruits from the trees in her yard. She had the most amazing pantry that I still envy to this day.
Sounds like a great weekend.....and yes, I'm playing catch up. I'm so far behind.
Oh and you've got yarn on the brain...now you can throw something at the fuzzmason from the "front yarn" ;)
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