But first a brief prattle...I love this time of year. Last night I needed to transplant some of the leggier of my young charges into larger pots with more growing room.
And when it does, some lucky people are going to be all ready with new knitting totes that they made themselves! I decided that instead of robbing my stash this was an excellent reason to go fabric shopping. I found fabric for one bag. Then another. And another.
Lyndy, who said "Sewing was my first love. I took up knitting because I needed something portable when my son started sports. I love making bags, and your "patterns are guidelines" comment is SOOO true for me too."
Glad to hear it Lyndy. If I could convince the world that patterns are guidelines I'd be a happy woman indeed. Follow them to a T if you want to, but if you think something should be changed, don't be afraid to change it!
KSee, who said "I too made some of my kids clothes when they were very young. My son would wear out his knees (before it was fashionable) I know the book would help me finish up some felted bags and dust off the sewing machine."
Well get dusting, because you've got some sewing to do, KSee!
and now...drumroll please.....
Our Grand Prize Winner
"WOW!!!! Thank you for introducing me to Lexie Barnes! wouldn't this make the most perfect spring bag? I think Lexie now has a new follower!
P.S. I love your blog AND your book!"
Well, thank you Vanessa, any lover of my book and blog and a Lexie convert is a friend of mine! Enjoy your winnings, and please do let us know how you get on with them!
I'll be busy with my own little pile, because three bags is never enough when it comes to fabric. I found myself some remnants, and some not so much...and I had to have 2/3 yard of that chicken fabric from the giveaway pile...and then there were the bees...
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you all for playing!
"Dumpster Diving Single Mom" I love it! I live on a shoestring too and I love to give things away that are still useful. So I joined freecycle.org Do you know about it? You can donate stuff or post that you need stuff or answer a post of something that is available. It's been a 'must have' site for me for a very long time.
The sites are all over the US and Can.
Have a great day, 1HappyGranny
Oh, Melissa, I can not convey to you how excited I am to have been selected! Thank you so much for keeping smiles going around. BTW, I two am a member of freecycle.org.
Congrats to the winners!
Your seedlings look perfect. But 23 degrees? I just direct sowed my seeds into the raised beds in the vegetable garden, and they're doing beautifully. I suppose that's one advantage to living in paradise! ;)
Here's hoping spring makes its way to you sooner rather than later.
I can't believe I'm the grand prize winner! Can you hear me jumping for joy? I'm so excited and trying my hardest to contain my excitement because I'm at work! I'll be camped out by the mailbox ready and waiting. I can't wait to sew up something fantastic! I'll send pictures when I'm finished! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm so excited! Thank you so much!
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