Without sharing too much, I shall say that my mother's recovery from surgery was not without incident, and we're just glad that she's walking, talking, and able to eat on her own. Her recovery has accelerated at a really unbelievable rate considering what happened. Words like "miraculous", "astonishing" and "tremendous" have been bandied about. We were looking at a situation where we dropped off a walking, talking adult and got back someone needing permanent placement in a nursing home. Then one day she woke up, asked for breakfast and a telephone, and the rest is history now. The rough bits of this resulted in a near cessation of all work around here, which means I am missing the deadline for the sample socks to be delivered, but I have made my peace with it. Life happens, the words are delivered, the socks will soon follow and all will be well.
Until then, which feels like it'll be about the time this guy actually flies...

Bambi's cousin browses in the side yard

Winter shows it's here for good and all

though it can leave any time now

any time at all...

And in true New England Murphy's Law style, we needed well men to make water for us, though not without expense. The bad news? "Ya need uh new well pump."

The good news? "Ya got ah lottah watah heah."

Apparently although our well is 400 feet deep, the...something or other...is at 50 feet. Be a long time before we're out of water, thank God. Still need the dishwasher fixed, but you know, I am not so sure I care any more.
Back to the grind. I've got socks to knit, and knitters to beg and cry at!

(just a taste. Didn't think I'd give you the whole show just yet, didja?!)
And hmm frozen flying piggie? Not sure what to say about that....
it's the ultimate combination of when something freezes over and when pigs fly of you ask me... must be something AMAZING about to happen for you:)
(thats my hope anyways)
AWESOME news about your mum...so glad she's on the mend!
I am so glad that your Mom is okay!... such a stressful thing for you all to go through...
(PS we met at the Fiber and Yarn shop over the green mohair; I'm Caroline's sister.)
Glad you're mom is on the mend! Still here if you need me. :)
knittin' good vibes yur way!
I'm so glad to hear your mom is doing well.
Your winter pictures are just beautiful. I really miss snow in the winter. (I know, I know--100 million people just screamed, "You can have ours!")
Terrific news about your mother. Deadlines always come after people, although parts of the world need to be reminded of that.
I just discovered your blog because you commented on mine!!! I am so honored to have you stop by.
Family first is the correct priority in this life. Glad to hear she is recovering.
Breezed through many of your postings and I love the pinwheel sweater!
I am adding you to my reader list!
I wrote the email to you before reading your blog. My bad. Please excuse me for being an oaf. I will still miss you, though.
I'm glad to know that your mom is doing better.
Please take care.
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