Five signed copies of 2-at-a-Time Socks, and five yarns; Tofutsies, Lorna's Laces, Socks that Rock, Plymouth Rockin' Sock and K1C2 TyDy. Five lucky people will be chosen at random from all comments posted to this entry by midnight EST Saturday December 20, 2008. Each will receive a copy of the book and a pair's worth of yarn. Merry Christmas, and good luck!!
Hello Twitter friend! I like free stuff. I hope you found that ladle!
Ooh, ooh, OOH! Pick me, pick me random generator! :) I need an incentive to finish my first sock...
What a wonderful holiday spirit! Thanks, Melissa and good luck to all.
Free yarn and your new book?? Dudette, count me in! :)
Ooohh, I love free stuff!! Thanks, Melissa.
I have just learned to knit two socks on one circular needle. It's not as difficult as I thought it would be. I have been on Ravelry and am excited to hear that you will be publishing a toe up sock on one needle in the near future. I can't wait to see that one. Thank you for the contest. Your book and the yarn are a nice prize. Thank you for all you do for the knitting community.
I love your holiday spirit!
I love knitting two socks at a time on one-thank you so much for putting it down on paper! Thanks for this contest! ;)
What wonderful and generous holiday gifts! You know you can count me in.
The sock gifts were a big hit yesterday at the office. Now I need to cast on a few more. :) I think I need to buy more 40" needles.
I appreciate it that you, an author/teacher will answer the many questions on Ravelry. You are probably very busy, but you take the time to help people like me that think so visually or are just not getting it, and you give the answers. THANK YOU!
Ohh, I want this! I kinda just pledged not to buy any yarn for 3 months, but if I win it, that doesn't count!!
Good morning! And Happy Holidays to you and yours, Melissa. Looking forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Ooohh free stuff after all the Christmas spending? Count me in!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!
Would love some yarn and your book!! I love to knit socks and the more patterns, the merrier! thanks for your great blog.
Do I count? Or am I ineligible for some crazy reason? Of course I already have 2 signed copies...
Can I get mine with a side of Dazee?
I adore my signed copy!!! How generous of you!!! Merry Christmas!!
wow I so want to learn how to knit two socks at once. I have the needles Harmony circulars now I just need some yarn and the instructions. Hope I get the chance when the randomiser gets going with its picking....lol
I have just taken up knitting and am not very good but this would be a great prize to have. Thanks for the giveaway.
A talented, knitter/designer and generous, too? Happy holidays!
I love giving too and I have so much fun knitting gifts for the holidays! I'm doing great this year...only one sweater sleeve and a scarf to finish. I would love to do a surprise pair of socks for someone!
I would LOVE to learn the two needle way! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks! I like free things, and yarn, so free yarn is like the bomb-diggety.
Congrats on finishing your next manuscript. I can't wait to buy the book! I would never go back to the single sock.
I love to knit socks so much I only have one pair for myself. If you pick me I can knit myself another pair and maybe if there is enough yarn, socks for more of my peps!!! LOL
Merry Christmas to ALL!!!
I've wanted to learn this for quite a while now. Thanks for the opportunity!
I love a good contest especially if yarn is involved :-)
Ooh what a great give a way. Who doesn't love yarn and a great book.
Oh, pick me, pick me oh random generator! I would actually re-gift it, but I have a friend that I'd love to turn on to doing socks TAAT. (Ok, I admit that I might keep the sock yarn for myself, since one can never have too much sock yarn, but I already own the book so I'd definitely regift that!)
hey, melissa, what a lovely christmas surprise:) and congratulations on your new book, can't wait to see it:)
Hello from a Twitter Follower! I've never tried two socks at a time, but I'd love to learn!
Love, love, love your book - can't wait for the toe-up version. Plus free yarn - Santa comes early this year!
Please let this be my lucky day......please, please.....
I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!
I'd like to get a new pair of socks from a friend, I'm in :)
What a generous, lovely thing. I can only hope your random generator loves knitters in Panama.
Hmmm...this might be the push I need to fall down the (sock) rabbit hole. Count me in!
Pick me. Have pity on a poor, sick mama, Mr. Random Number Generator!
Thanks for having this contest - count me in!
Melissa you are the best! I'm just finishing my first pair of 2-at-once socks and I love knitting them this way! Thanks for inspiring all of us!
I always have to check your blog to see what is happening in that part of MA. since I'm here in Arkansas. I would love to have your book.
Yowza, awesome draw prizes!
2-at-a-time saved my life--THANKS!
2-at-a-time is Awesome. Already a bit worn at the corners. BUT I would love a signed copy and I know several who have been eyeing my copy that I could forward the gift onto!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Socks. I love new books and sock yarns.
Cool thanks for playing Santa to all us sock knitters
thanks for hosting this contest!!
SugarMomma (on Ravelry)
I never knit socks before your book. I wanted to start something new when the first was done. Problem solved. I gave my mom your book and yarn for her birthday in August and she has now knit over a dozen pairs. I'm not as fast as her, but I have 4 pair in the works, differnt patterns, different yarn weights. I'll never knit DP again.
My birthday is next week and I'm feeling lucky...add my name to the drawing please! Thanks for the fun contest!
Thanks for your kind offer, Melissa. I would really like some new yarn. Another copy of the book won't go amiss either. I hope you have a happy holiday as well.
PS. It would make a nice birthday present also.
Please choose me! I already have your book, so I would give it away and keep the signed one, spreading to gospel of 2-at-a-time.
You are sweet and generous, among your other quite notable wonderful assets. And you are celebrating Knitting Contrisstmas, c'mon! It is beyond the thing of much happiness!!!!!
That's so very sweet of you to do! Happy holidays to you and your family. :-)
I already have your book and LOVE it. I would rather have a signed copy though so if I win I will pay it forward and give my book to a friend. Not the yarn though. I'm hooked on sock yarn.
Free stuff! What fun!!!! Thanks for thinking of us.
WOW! I was just going to attempt socks this coming year. This would be a great way to get started!
I've been doing the lingering thing lately rather than posting comments, so I guess this is my clue to step in and post! I'm so glad to hear that the second book is on it's way!
And now... Pick me, pick me! *grin*
I love the 2 at a time method! I've made 3 pairs so far but I'd love the book!!
Great giveaways. I'm hoping the "random" generator will pick me. Merry Christmas y'all!
I'm a poor college student with a knitting problem! PIck Me!
Love the book and the yarn. You work so hard and we appreciate it ^_^ Happy Holidays!
What a generous offer. I'd love a new pair of socks. I'd even put down my netting needle long enough to knit a pair if I am fortunate enough to get picked.
::waves hand high in the air while squirming in the chair:::
Me! Me! Me! Please pick me, O' Random Generator Person. I NEED the updated copy of the book. I have the first generation and still get confused because I keep loosing all the correction pages.
This is very generous. What a fun treat it would be to win. I always have a pair of socks on the needles but haven't tried two at a time yet.
ritaknitting at hotmail dot com
Count me in. Thank you for your generosity and for the incredible book. This has definitely changed the way that I knit socks.... Happy holidays and, of course, happy knitting.
Hello My Pretty Pretty Yarn. Me loves some Pretty new SOCK yarn
Hello My Pretty Pretty Yarn. Me loves some Pretty new SOCK yarn.
l'll gladly help out with the postage, let me know how much.
What a lovely idea!! Would love to win this :)
Since I seem to collect sock patterns and the yarn to knit them - would love to add your book and yarn to my 'collection'
You've done so much for sock knitters! Thank you.
Eagerly awaiting your next book and look forward to more in the New Year!
If I'm selected this would be a bright light in an otherwise dark year.
Congrats on being part of the 2009 Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock Club. And thanks so much for offering this contest!
Brazilian knitter may participate?
From twitter ;)
Please sign me up for your contest!
oh! pick me!!
OOOO pretty. Pick me pick me!!!! I lurves free yarn.....
Ooo, OOO, Ooo, pick me, pick me! (with hand waving as high as I can reach whie stanging on my chair jumping up and down as fast as I can!) I want some free stuff, too! I'm wanting to teach my son to knit and he wants some new socks. And he wants me to knit them. (Never mind that I havne't knit socks before!)
I believe in random. I am random. Please choose me. LOL :)
I'd love to win a copy of your book & some yarn!
Boy... the competition for free yarn and a great book is stiff! Count me in!
Merry Christmas, Melissa!
I just hope you don't mind mailing internationally, and that I am eligible for this! I love your book, but don't own a copy, and the library tends to notice if I keep it too long
I already have your book, but would love a signed copy and some yarn. I know just who to share my copy with if chosen!
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for such an awesome book and I can't wait for the next!
This is such a wonderful idea, I can't believe it... you? are the best! ^_^
What a terrible lovely action this is, at this time of the year. And who wouldn't want to win this lovely gift?
What a wonderful gift! I sure hope I'm one of the lucky ones! (I hope I get power back soon, too!)
Can't wait to read your new book and it looks like you will be in fine company for the Rockin' Sock Club World Domination Tour 2009.
Gotta run now (more Christmas sock knitting to do) but I'll see you around the Ravelry site soon!
Merry Christmas!
Oh I hope I win ! My birthday is the 30th and I always get the odl "here's your birthday AND yur Christams present in one (if I get any this year, I have been kinda bad!)
But I do love love the book!
Thanks, Susan
Pick me, pick me, pick me!! What a FABULOUS thing to do for Christmas.
I'd be international postage if I won, so I just wanted to comment on your repeated generosity Melissa! Festive cheer!
Please pick me! Sock yarn, there's always room for more sock yarn!
Hi from Australia Melissa! I have just knitted my 5th sock (halfway through my third pair) and I would love to learn how to do 2 at a time. Good luck with your new book, Monica
Hi! I just mentioned to my sister I started knitting socks. That means another pair to knit. I'm going to try to knit the sweetpea socks for my sister!
I would love to learn how to knit 2 at a time socks and I can't believe how nice you are giving five copies!
Merry Christmas to you and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
I like free yarn and books :)
Without you and your wonderful book, I never in a million years would have ever finished a whole pair of socks!
Once, a lady at a yarn store tried to pressure me in to doing 2@AT on two circular needles... perhaps it was the pressure.. or it could have been the fact that she smelled like cabbage... but I was very turned off by the idea. Until, that is, I found your awesome book!
That's very generous! Pick me! I've been at home ill for 4 weeks i need some sock appreciation!
Thanks Melissa :)
That comment was from me lol...Clare
Now that's the Christmas spirit! Whether or not I win anything, I wish you a most Merry Christmas-pray it brings you wonderful memories:)
What a generous thing to do! I love the book and give it to all my friends who are still using dbl pointed needles. If I win the book would have to sit out (with the autograph showing) all the time..maybe I would put it in a shadow box to preserve it? Ha! :) Happy Holidays to everyone!
Sounds like great goodies! I'm crossing my fingers...which is going to make it hard to finish my holiday knitting.
What a great gift! Thanks!!
What great holiday spirit indeed! I love your book and was inspired this seasons to knit all my knitting gifts 2-at-a-time (mittens).
Best of luck to me (and everyone)!
I found you on Twitter! I developed a passion for knitting socks this past year and want to learn how to knit 2 at a time so I can....make more socks!
Pick me please:-)
That's so nice of you, thanks.
count me in for the contest.
I have the needles, I have the yarn. All that's missing is the book!!!
Wow! Sign me up. Free yarn is always good. I have your book, and love it. I cannot wait for the sequel.
I would love to learn socks your way! Thanks for being so generous!
Hooray for a giveaway!! I so love socks! I decided to learn 2@aT on Magic Loop because I was afraid of SSS with a pair of knee socks - I LOVE IT!!!
Awesome Melissa! I cant wait for the RSC pattern and your new book. Heaven knows I absolutely LOVE your first one. 2 @ a time ROCKS! Happy Holidays!
Oh, pretty yarn! Pretty, pretty. Soft? Looks soft...
I've knitted eleven pair of sox using your wonderful book. What a great way to knit these really cool sox.
Wow, such holiday spirit. Thank you!!!
Sweet! What awesome prizes!
I'm so impressed by the idea of 2 (or more) at a time - and always impressed by yarn! Thanks for the chance!
Oh thank you...thank you... thank you.
I hope I am picked. I have wanted to learn to knit socks so badly.
Thanks for your generosity! What a bright spot in the holiday season:)
I love your first book. I think I have one of the first printings because I couldn't wait to do two at once on one needle! I have plenty of friends I could "donate" it to if I happen to win a signed copy--and who couldn't use more sock yarn!!! My Ravelry ID is Wendeluu.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your book and yarn! Merry Christmas!
please please please pick me! I have been reading your blog since I discovered it and it many times leaves me in stitches.....pun intended!!!
OOH OOH PICK ME!! I have a copy of 2-at-a-time, but it's an old version and would love to have one that is corrected. And.. more sock yarn is always a good thing :)
Thanks for the generosity Melissa, you're the best!
Hi, my goal for the winter is to learn how to make two socks at a time. I just mastered magic looping one sock so I'm set and ready! Thanks!
How strange... I just bought your book at the bookstore! My mother is a crazy sock knitter, and she would love it if I win. The more stash the merrier!
I just found your blog via the Knitting Contessa - and I'm so glad, I've been enjoying reading throught it!
Merry Christmas!
Thank you so very much for the opportunity and I cannot wait for your next book.
Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!!!
I've been working on a pair of two at a time using your method and actually going to do a gussest heel this time around.
Good luck with the second book!
Merry Christmas!!! Count me in!
Congrats on the second book. Hope it debuts in the spring or summer....not in a N'orEaster.
What a great contest! Ever since I got your book, I only make my socks 2 at a time. I've also made a few pairs of Christmas handwarmers 2 at a time.
You're Wonderful! I would be a good candidate for the book and yarn giveaway. I just started knitting and picked socks because they are portable, practical and supposedly quick, but I am new so it takes a little longer.
I would LLLLOVE to have the coolest book and an awesome ball of yarn for some marvy socks.
Thanks a bunch.!
Rock on!!! Or should I say...here it comes...Sock on!!!
Can't wait for the new book...keeping my fingers crossed in the drawing--would love another copy of the book!
Ohhhh...starting my first sock project after Christmas...sure could make use of some new sock yarn! :) Thanks Melissa!
You're in good company!
I love free stuff, so I'm throwing my name into the bucket... :)
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